Three Heavenly Birthdays

My three most recently departed loves have heavenly birthdays coming up this month. I will miss them all until the day we are reunited. And I’m sure many more memories will leak from my eyes between now and then; but this is a celebratory post, not a sad one.

In birthdate order, Bogie will be 2 years old on February 6th; Sam will be 73 on February 9th; and Ducky will be 11 years old on February 13th.

Sweet Bogie, our angel disguised as a dog

This boy’s time on earth was cut short through a tragic accident that took him from us. 💔 BUT during his time on earth, he filled our lives with so much joy, love, and laughter that we felt his loss perhaps more acutely than we might have otherwise. This boy was truly an angel on earth disguised as a dog. 💙 He knew instinctively, even at such a young age, exactly when his (human) daddy needed him; and went to him without hesitation to give love and be loved upon. And in the mornings, while Ducky slept in my chair, Bogie snuggled with me on the couch. Most of the rest of his day was spent playing with the older sister he adored and who adored him in return.

Sam, the love of my life, my human soulmate

This photo was taken last year, at our favorite restaurant, Schwaben House, where we had his birthday lunch. It was a happy day for us both, as his dementia demons were leaving him alone. It is my favorite of more then-recent photos of the man I’d married 28 years earlier. He was more himself that day than he had been in many previous days. ❤️ More himself than he would ever be again after that day. I will always gratefully remember the way he was that day.

Ducky, my sweet, sassy soulmate, my heart dog.

Ducky came into my life while I was taking a course to become a dog obedience training instructor. I was in the externship stage; and I was volunteering at the animal shelter, with the mission of helping the dogs become more adoptable. Ducky was the second of my charges. (The first, a pittie mix named Honey, was adopted a few days earlier.) Sweet Ducky stole my heart the instant I first saw her in her puppy-room kennel. And the rest of her story is now history. She wrapped my heart around her little paw and decided that – one way or the other – I was going to be her new mama. A few months later, she got her wish. We spent the next nine plus years working and playing together to ease her reactivity. And her older sisters taught her how to be a family dog instead of a kennel-bound shelter dog. Our bond grew into a soul connection that has transcended time and space. ❤️❤️

So, on this Thankful Thursday, I wish my three loves a happy birth month. I am so thankful you were each a big part of my life. I miss your physical presence; but I know you are with me always.

13 thoughts on “Three Heavenly Birthdays

  1. Sharon Hazelton says:

    Hugs to you for all your losses. Loosing a loved one and a special pet are a lot to bear. I’m so glad you have two new babies to help you heal.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Meezer'sMews&TerrieristicalWoofs says:

    My Dad was a Feb 1st BD…he would have been 102…bu he’s been gone since Jan 2006…though even after that long time I Imiss him so very much.
    There of our cats had Feb Gotcha Days…
    Always the memories are what sustain us, and then also the others who cheerfully add to the memories each day.
    Hugs to you as you remember your angels.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      My dad’s birthday is also coming up – on the 15th of this month – and he would be 101 this year. He passed in Nov. of 2005, 10 days before the anniversary of Mom’s passing in 1979. (She would have been 100 years old on Jan. 30th.) I miss them both very much, but the wonderful memories have long since healed my heart from the loss. Hugs to you as well, my friend. Eventually, my heart will heal again with the help of my memories and the shenanigans of my two “angels with paws.” ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


    • My Golden Life says:

      Thanks my friend. It is particularly tough when I look over at Sam’s chair wanting to see him and he’s not sitting there. But then he sends Zen over to me for a hug or some chest and ear rubs and the tears dry up for a while. Or, when I’m acutely missing Bogie and/or Ducky, Zoey will look at me with the same love in her eyes that I always found in their eyes. And then she’ll start a rough-and-tumble session with Zen that makes me laugh out loud.


  3. My GBGV Life says:

    Our family has I think six birthdays in February, two of those people are no longer with us, but no dogs have February birthdays. You will remember each of those you lost and celebrate them on their special days.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Golden Life says:

      I’m sure it will be! I do remember the love every day – that memory and my two angels with paws are what keep me going some days (especially these non-stop rainy ones).


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